Lesson Questrade Trading

Balances and Positions

Understand your account balances within the Questrade Trading Platform.

Easily check your balances and customize your view to find the information you need quickly.

On this page, you can view the combined balance of All accounts or switch between individual accounts using the menu at the top.

Questrade Trading Platform
  1. Your Total Equity (Cash + investments) is displayed at the top of the chart.
    • For greater privacy, press the eye icon to hide your total equity balance.
  2. Select between viewing your balances as Combined in CAD or Combined in USD.
    • Combined in CAD displays your estimated account balances in Canadian dollars.
    • Choose Combined In USD to view balances in US dollars.
Questrade Trading Balances
  1. You can see your balances in detail below, which include:
    • Today’s P&L shows the change in your profits and losses since the market open (9:30am ET)
    • Open P&L shows the total ‘unrealized’ profits and losses in the account (since opening), shown in Canadian dollars. Unrealized means that these profits or losses have not been ‘locked in’ and you still own the investment(s). On the other hand, closed P&L is the total ‘realized’ profits and losses of a position after it has been sold/closed.
    • Total P&L shows the total profits and losses of all positions, including open and closed P&L.
    • Net Deposits is the total amount you've added to your account, minus any withdrawals.
    • The Market value column shows the overall value of the position. (QTY x Symbol price)
  2. Select the See all balances option for a more detailed view of your Balances.
    • You will also find the Simple rate of return, which shows the percentage gain or loss of an investment compared to the initial investment.

If you’re viewing accounts individually instead of the All accounts view, you can also see your exact CAD and USD balances.

  • Select CAD or USD to view individual, separated balances.

Note: For margin accounts, Max buying power is also displayed. This shows the maximum amount you could borrow from Questrade to trade and invest. Enable Learning mode, or check out this article for more information.

Account Holdings

Easily view your account holdings using the Questrade Trading platform.

On the trading tab, scroll past the chart to find a table displaying all of your existing positions. These are the current investments (securities) in your account that you own.

Remember: If you have more than one account, the All Accounts view will show the positions from every account, switch to a single-account view for more specific information. 

Questrade Trading Questwealth Positions
  1. Using the navigation menu, you can switch between viewing your Positions, Orders, Watchlists, Trending or News.
  2. The Symbol and description of the security is shown in the first column.
  3. The second column shows the asset type, such as a stock or ETF (exchange traded fund).
  4. % of portfolio refers to the percentage of your total account, including your cash and investment holdings, that’s allocated to a specific asset.
  5. Open QTY shows how many shares of the investment you currently own.
QT Account Holdings
  1. The Avg. price column shows the average price the investment was bought at.
  2. Symbol price shows the current price per share.
  3. The Market value column shows the overall value of the position. (QTY x Symbol price)
  4. The Currency column shows what currency (CAD or USD) the security trades in.
  5. If you’re viewing All accounts, the last column will appear and show which account the investments are held in.

Tip: If you click on any of the table headers (i.e. Symbol), you can sort that column, either ascending or descending.

Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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