Lesson Explore QuestMobile

Understanding your positions

Get a better understanding of your investments and positions in the QuestMobile app.

The All accounts view displays positions from all accounts. If you have multiple accounts, tap the arrow at the top of the homepage to switch to a single-account view for more specific information.

All accounts view on the Home page

  • Your Positions can be viewed on your homepage under Account balances.

Account positions on QuestMobile
  • If you have a large number of positions, tap See all next to the Position value/Symbol price to view them all.
  • Select between Position value or Symbol price to change the view of your investments.
  • For a more detailed view of your investments, simply tap on any of the existing positions to head directly to the Stock/ETF quote page.

Remember: For a hands-on walkthrough of this section, enable Learning mode. To do so, tap on the Menu in the top left corner, select Settings, then Investing and toggle on Learning mode.

  • Position value shows the total value of your investment next to each ticker symbol.
    • This is the amount of shares you own, multiplied by the current price per share.
    • Tap the Profit & loss bubble to toggle between viewing your position’s value change in percentages or dollar amounts.
  • Symbol price shows the current price per share next to each ticker symbol.
    • You can also see the average price you paid per share shown below the ticker.
    • The Symbol price view displays the daily gain or loss for a particular symbol in the Profit & loss bubble.


Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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