Lesson Advanced options trading

Options levels

Options levels can help you adjust your strategy based on your risk tolerance, available equity, and trading knowledge. Learn what options level mean, and how to use them.

Questrade has separated options trading into various levels increasing in risk and equity requirements based on guidance from our regulators.

These options levels ranging from 1 to 4 are designed to assist you with managing your account and trading activities based on your risk tolerance, and trading knowledge.

Here’s a high-level table of the option levels and the minimum equity required in your account to trade these strategies:

options levels table

Important to note: Registered accounts like an RRSP, TFSA, or FHSA can only be approved for up to Level 2 options trading due to industry regulations.

To trade level 3 and 4 options, a Margin account is required. Other limitations related to registered accounts are covered in more detail below.

Upgrading your options level

When you first create your Questrade account, you have the option to enable Level 1 options trading by clicking “yes” to trading options in the account application online.

If you didn’t enable options trading, or if you’d like to increase your option level, please follow these easy steps:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click “Account Management” from the top navigation bar, then click Account management again from the drop down menu
The account management menu
  1. Select the account that you’d like to modify
    • Please note: To enable options trading for multiple accounts, you will have to repeat this process for each account individually.
Options level with the pencil change icon
  1. Click the Change button, next to the Option level shown under the Summary header
  1. On the next page, select the options level you wish to upgrade (or downgrade) to, and click the green Submit button
  2. Download the Options Trading Agreement form
    • Fill out your account number at the top right
    • Enter your First and Last name (and joint account holder’s if applicable)
    • Check off the desired option level
    • Sign and date the bottom of the form (E-signatures accepted for non-joint accounts)
  3. Upload the first page of the agreement from the Account Management menu under Upload documents

Processing time: 1-2 Business days. In most cases after you’ve submitted your request online, and uploaded your agreement, you will be able to trade options at the end of the next business day. You can check back on your Option level on the main Account Management page.

Important to note: After you have submitted a signed Options Trading Agreement, you can modify or upgrade your options level for that specific account anytime from the Account management page as long as you meet the equity or account requirements. You do not need to re-submit the signed agreement.

Option strategies by level

Check out the tables below to see how Option strategies are organized by level.

For Registered accounts specifically, due to CRA rules preventing shorting or negative balances, certain strategies may also be unavailable. These strategies are shown with an asterisk * in the table below.

Options strategies level 1 and 2

Reminder: The following Level 3 and 4 strategies are only available in a Margin account that meets the equity requirements, and has upgraded the options level online.

Options strategies level 3 and 4

Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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