When borrowing funds on margin, you’re required to maintain a certain amount of assets (in the form of cash and/or securities) as collateral for your loan. A margin call is triggered when the combined value of cash and/or securities (used as a collateral for your loan) drops below the minimum amount you require to maintain in your account when borrowing funds.
We typically notify customers by email when their account is in a margin call (on a best efforts basis).
There are a number of reasons why we may issue margin calls:
- The securities bought with borrowed money have decreased in value
- The exchange rate between Canadian and U.S. currency has fluctuated
- Administration charges were deducted from the account (interest charges or other fees)
- Margin requirement increased for the individual securities (explained in detail below)
- As mentioned earlier, there aren’t enough assets in the account. Customers who borrow funds must maintain a certain amount of assets in their account as a layer of protection
Margin calls are payable on demand. However, on a best-efforts basis, we give customers the opportunity to cover the owed amount by the due date.