Lesson Tools for industry participants

Electronic broker feed

Learn about Questrade’s Electronic broker feed program and how it can benefit employees of market participants or industry insiders.

Direct brokerage feeds send employee data from Questrade to your compliance department through a secure, encrypted connection.

This is also known as the “Broker data import program” or BDIP.

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These secure data files include the holdings, transactions and positions for all of your firm’s employee’s accounts held at Questrade.

  • Direct brokerage feeds provide the most secure, reliable, and accurate way to collect and review your employee’s brokerage account data.
  • When compared to paper statements, or even indirect broker feeds (through a portal for example), direct feeds increase transparency, efficiency, and provide near real-time data to compliance teams.

What does this mean for my account?

If you’re an employee of a regulated firm or government agency, the process is entirely seamless, automated and unobtrusive. Rather than manually sending PDF statements, or granting access through an indirect portal, your transactions are automatically reported after you’ve granted permissions.

This way, it’s easy to stay compliant with your employer’s policies or rules surrounding investing transactions, and eliminates the work required on your part to maintain records for your compliance team.

Note: When you set your account up, it’s important to verify that your employment and personal information is accurate. If you’re an insider of a publicly traded company, or work for a regulated firm or agency for example, it’s important to ensure that this is reflected in your account application.

Getting started

Every type of Questrade account can be securely integrated with the Electronic Broker Feed program (BDIP) to help you stay compliant.

Questrade offers non-registered margin (cash) accounts, registered accounts like TFSAs, RRSPs, RESPs, and more.

Whether you’re looking to invest for your long-term future, or speculate on short-term trading opportunities, we’ve got you covered with the market research tools you’ll need.

Please check the list of partners below for the current employers we work with, or to submit a new request.

If you work for one of our partnered firms, you can also speak to your compliance team for additional information or authorization forms.

Do it yourself with Self-directed investing, or get a pre-built portfolio with QuestWealth Portfolios.

get started

Secure set-up

During the last step of your new account application, you’ll be asked to provide us with an authorization letter or form from your compliance department.

Please speak with your compliance manager who oversees employee trading for this specific form/letter. Once this form is completed, they can send it securely to Questrade.

If you’re sending the form in yourself, please email it to bdiprequests@questrade.com and make sure to CC your compliance manager or team.

The same form can also be used for multiple accounts. If you’re opening more than one, please make sure all your account numbers are listed, and that your personal information is accurate and matches your Questrade profile.

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After the documents are approved, your account’s transactions will be securely linked to your employer’s compliance department within 1-3 business days.

Please ensure that your account is funded to complete your application.

How do Questrade’s feeds work?

When a regulated employee makes a trade using a Questrade account, their transaction information is sent by Questrade’s compliance department through a secure automated reporting system.

These automated daily transaction reports are sent through an encrypted API connection to industry-leading data partners who help aggregate and automate parts of the transaction monitoring process.

BDIP infographic API reporting

These data partners then provide this information to the compliance departments at partner firms who need oversight into employee trading activity.

Some compliance teams may also opt to receive these automated reports directly from Questrade.

Our partners

We’ve worked with leading technology partners to bring seamless compliance reporting for a large number of industry participants.

This includes select pension plans, large accounting firms, and other regulated industry partners.

If you work for an organization or government agency that requires compliance reporting of employee’s investment transactions, we’d like to hear from you! We’re always looking to expand our list of electronic broker feed partners.

If your organization doesn’t already have a program in place with Questrade (check with your compliance department), you can submit a request to join our program.

Click here to submit an application to join our electronic broker feed program (also known as broker data import program or BDIP).

Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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