Lesson Making a withdrawal

How to place a withdrawal request

Learn how to place a withdrawal request on the Questrade website with simple visual instructions.

  1. Log in to your Questrade account
  2. Navigate to “ACCOUNTS” from the top left menu
    • (If you’re already on this page after logging in, you can skip this step)
    Navigate to accounts top left navigation button
  3. Hover over the “REQUESTS” tab from the main navigation menu at the top of the page, then click on “Withdraw funds
    Navigate to requests - withdraw fundds button
  4. Select the account you’re withdrawing from at the top of the page. You can also view your balances here for easy reference.
    Withdraw funds page, choose source account
  5. Next, please select the currency of your withdrawal, and the dollar amount.
    Choose currency and dollar amount withdrawal page
  6. If your cash balance is not available in the currency of your choice, you also have the option here to request that Questrade convert the funds on your behalf.
    Withdrawal page convert currency for request
  7. Please select your withdrawal method, and choose the destination account for the withdrawal.
    • If you have previously set up a withdrawal or pre-authorized deposit (PAD), the bank account you have linked will be visible here to choose from
    • If you have not used this funding method, you will be asked to add your bank account details to complete your request
    Connect to bank account and choose withdrawal method
  8. To connect a new bank account, please click the link below the selector box. We recommend you link your account electronically through our secure service, but you also have the option to manually connect your account.
    • Please note: If you choose the manual connection option, you must enter your banking details manually, and you are required to upload a void cheque or direct deposit form.
    Connect with my bank button highlighted
  9. After you click “Connect with my bank” please choose your institution from the list, and log in with your banking credentials.
  10. Please allow up to 3-5 minutes for the secure service to connect with your bank for the first time, then choose which specific bank account you’d like to link.
    • You can add up to 3 bank accounts per currency with this method.
    • If you have 2SV/2FA set up on your bank accounts, you may be asked for an SMS/email verification code.
  11. Confirm the destination account at the other institution, then click the green “continue” button to submit your request.
    Confirm destination account and continue button at bottom

Congratulations! You’ve finished entering your withdrawal request! 

To check on this request, and any other withdrawals that are in-progress, please click the “Request history” tab near the top of the page.

Request history button

Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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