Lesson Stocks 201

Worthless securities

Learn what worthless securities are and what to do with them.

At times, securities (like stocks or ETFs) can become worthless and lose their entire market value.

This typically happens to publicly-listed companies that stopped operations, became insolvent, and/or went bankrupt.

Customers who hold worthless securities have the option to remove them from their account and trading platforms.

To remove worthless securities:

  1. Fill out and sign the Worthless Security Removal form.
  2. Complete the worthless securities removal form.
  3. Go to Upload documents tab under Account Management.
  4. Upload the worthless security removal form and choose Security disposition request as the document type of the form.

Once you submit the form, we will process your request within 2-4 business days.

The same rules apply to securities with a cease-trade order (CTO).

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